Will Martial Arts make my child violent?
No way. In fact, martial arts makes kids calmer and more respectfull to themselves and others. Martial arts has always been about peace, and self defense and will always be.
Can my child get injured with Martial Arts?
As a parent, I’m sure you’ve seen kids can get injured doing just about anything. Martial arts is no different. However, we take safety seriously here. Yes, injuries do sometimes happen. But we do everything in our power to avoid them. We perform special exercises and stretches to make your child’s body limber and flexible.
My child isn’t athletic. Can they still participate in your classes?
Absolutely, martial arts teaches kids to be coordinated, flexible and strong. Kid’s who don’t naturally have these qualities develop them. Kids who do have these qualities grow them even more.
What level of fitness is required for martial arts?
People come to us of all fitness levels. We get natural-born athletes, and we get people who have a harder time with athletic endeavors. However, everyone gets the same focus and attention. If your not in shape, don’t worry. Go at your own pace, and we’ll do everything we can to help you learn each and every technique. Soon enough, your physical fitness will improve and you’ll be in better shape the ever.
Is Martial Arts Violent?
The philosophies behind martial arts revolve around peace and harmony. The moves are more of a way to become connected with your body. We teach diplomacy and friendship. However, if a violent situation ever arises in your life, you’ll have powerful tools to defend yourself and loved ones.
What exactly is Jeet Kune Do and what can I expect in class?
‘Jeet’ means to intercept or to stop; ‘Kune’ is the fist; and ‘Do’ is the way, the ultimate reality. When put together, it means the way of the intercepting fist. Founded by Bruce Lee in 1967, there is no series of rules or classification technique that make up a clear Jeet Kune Do method of fighting. Many recognize it to simply be a mixture of many different elements from numerous fighting styles, all combined to form a well-rounded art that is meaningful to each student.
Are the Jeet Kune Do classes hard and should I get in shape first?
While the classes can be challenging and physically demanding at times, you do not need to get in shape first. Jeet Kune Do is designed for everyone, regardless of fitness level. In fact, taking classes is the best way to get into shape. Our class format is created to push students but also allow them to progress and reach their goals at a pace they feel comfortable with.
How often should I come to class?
There are no set rules for how often to practice. Some students come as often as 3 or 4x a week while others come only 1 or 2x. The benefits of Jeet Kune Do are numerous and include strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, focus, and self-discipline to name a few. We believe that you will find the right number that works best for your body, schedule, and life.
What exactly is Kali?
Kali is an ancient martial art form from the Philippines, it’s offense-oriented, and is based on the use of weapons such as sticks, knives and swords. Kali has a long history as a successful fighting method because the weapon gives a student an edge in real fights and mentally prepares them to face armed opponents of any size.
Are the Kali classes hard and should I get in shape first?
While the classes can be physically and mentally challenging at times, you do not need to get in shape first. Kali is designed for everyone, regardless of fitness level. In fact, taking classes is the best way to get into shape. Our class format is created to gently push students beyond their limits, but also allow them to progress and reach their goals at a pace they feel comfortable with.